Catholic Democrat

Location: Oklahoma

Saturday, November 26, 2005


On Monday, 21 Nov 2005, I went in for a colonoscopy because I turned 50 years old back in September. It is hard to say exactly what the results were because I will not get the pathology report till this coming Monday but, they found a “pre-cancerous growth in the first third of my lower intestine. I immediately went in for surgery and had that part of my intestine removed. I should get the final results Monday, but everyone was hopeful that I may have beat cancer.

My wife had insisted that I go, even though I was not thrilled by the idea. She ended up saving my life (along with all the doctors involved of course).

I am home now recovering, and it is not great but considering the alternative I guess I am glad I did it. So I would encourage anyone reading this – don’t avoid it. Schedule it. It may save your life too.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

It is time for change

Well I. (Scooter) Lewis Libby is indicted, and Karl Rove is still under investigation. Mr. Fitzgerald the special prosecutor is a fellow alumni of my college (Amherst). I have full faith that he will indict Karl Rove as well.

At the same time, the Republicans in congress are still doing everything they can to destroy the middle and lower classes of our society at the expense of the very rich. Despite the various tragedies that our country and endured (viz., Katrina, Rita, the increasing cost of the Iraq war, etc.), they insist on keeping their tax cuts for the rich, while cutting programs that help the poor.

Yet I can’t help but feel that I am turning a new life leaf in my life. I am finally taking a closer look at my own life and have decided to do some things to improve my health and personal wealth. I think that if I write them down, I will encourage myself to keep my commitment.

I intend to start slowly. I need to walk more often, to become more active and lose weight. I have figured a route, that can help me walk a mile or more. I am committing to walking this route three times a day before I come home from work. If I do this for one month, I will have already done a lot. However I suspect that one thing will lead to another.

The next thing I want to do is write a resume. I have a good job. However I want a second job teaching at night. I must commit to completing this resume by the end of next week.